You've found us! Windinglake, Glastonbury Accommodation.


You are receiving this email as it is now officially time to start getting organised (and excited!) to welcome all you lovely beings to Windinglake in just over a month’s time. We very much look forward to seeing all your faces, old and new, for another magical Glastonbury week.

Please complete the below form, answering the following with full details of all those in your party for the festival this year (partial submissions are not possible.. if you are having trouble with confirming anyone in your group, feel free to email me directly regarding this):

1. FIRST and LAST NAMES of everyone in your booking. Please ensure these names match your ID which you will need to bring in order to collect your festival tickets, and that any recent marriages/name changes before June 2024 are taken into consideration. Please also clearly state who is under 12 years of age

2. If you have multiple accommodation units booked, who is staying in what.

3. Of these units, if you are staying in a Shire Hut, a Festihut or a Bell Tent – will it need to be a DOUBLE or TWIN setup?

4. An emergency contact number for the lead booker/ most responsible member of your party.

5. Postal address/es (NOT car reg plate numbers) for your Blue Route car passes to be sent to before the event. We allocate one pass per couple/accommodation unit ideally due to parking restrictions at the farm (two passes if you are staying in an RV/trailer). NB: These CANNOT be emailed so please do not ask me for a pdf unless you are travelling from overseas, and I will speak to you individually about making arrangements for your access to the Blue Route.

6. Estimated day of arrival – I appreciate this may be subject to change at the last minute which is ok, it is just to give us a ballpark idea of numbers from Wednesday to Friday.



Online registration form

This starts with CN and can be found at the top of your invoice

Lead Booker Name(Required)

Name Under 12? Accommodation type Bed setup Actions

Postal Address (For Blue Route car passes to be sent to before the event.)(Required)
Note, if you require more than one Blue Route Pass due to group size please include details in the notes section below.

(eg. Preferred bedding arrangements in trailers ( this cannot be guaranteed but we will of course try our best when allocating), bedding arrangements for those travelling with under 12s, do you wish to purchase any extra bedding sets? Do you have any transport issues to and from the festival we should be made aware of? If in a trailer, details of any food orders arriving in advance?)